Table tennis
What is it?     What you need     Getting started     Find out more


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What is it?

  • This is a game, between two or four people, played by hitting a light ball with a bat across a low net on a table.  

  • It is normally played indoors unless the weather is very fine and still.  

  • Table tennis can be played at home (if you have the space and can afford the table), but it is more commonly played in social and community centres, and schools.   

Find out more


English Table Tennis Association


Table Tennis News

Getting started

  • Find a local table tennis group or club (see organisations above).

  • See if your local club or sports centre runs introductory sessions.

  • Consult books or magazines on the basics of table tennis.

  • Check in your local library/paper or sports centre for more information.

What you need

Skills and people
  • Table tennis is easy to pick up and can be played by people of all ages and abilities, and both sexes. 

  • It is difficult to practice table tennis on your own and you need at least one person to play against.  

  • Many people play regularly at their local community centre or school, where the game also provides social contact and stimulus.  

  • It is better if the people you play with are of roughly the same standard as yourself, but they need not be of the same age or sex.

Equipment or clothing
  • Special clothing and footwear is not essential for table tennis, though you need to be able to move around easily and non-slip shoes are desirable.  

  • The table, bats and ball are usually provided at the location where people play, though many enthusiasts have their own bats.

A place or facilities
  • There are facilities for table tennis in many schools and village and community halls, as well as sports centres.  Most clubs also use these locations.

Have a go - get started now 


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