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What is it?

  • The sport of wresting is a form of fighting between two people which involves an attempt to control the other person through the use of hand holds and body weight and manoeuvring.  

  • This is a very long established sport and there are a variety of different forms;  for more details see the various specialist organisations below.  

  • There are usually strict rules of what is acceptable in contacts, hand holds and the like.  

Find out more


British Amateur Wrestling Association  www.britishwrestling.org/
British Arm Wrestling Federation  0208 761 0597



World of Wrestling


Getting started

  • Find a local wrestling group or club (see organisations above).

  • Take a class or course at your local sports centre.

  • Consult books or magazines on the basics of wrestling.

  • Check in your local library/paper or sports centre for more information.

What you need

Skills and people
  • Wrestling requires a degree of physical fitness.  It can be done by people of both sexes and a range of age groups, but fighters are usually matched by sex, skill and physical abilities.

  • Training can be done on one's own, but specific practice requires an opponent. 

  • Most people join groups or clubs for this purpose, as well as for social reasons.  

Equipment or clothing
  • No special clothing or equipment is needed, other than basic sports shorts and top.

A place or facilities
  • The basic requirements are a hall of reasonable size and soft matting on which to wrestle. 

  • Clubs and groups meet in schools and community halls, as well as sports centres.   

  • Some groups have their own facilities.

Have a go - get started now 


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