Acting & drama
What is it?     What you need     Getting started     Find out more


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What is it?

  • Amateur drama and related activities on stage are very popular in many local communities.  Performance can range comedy to tragedy, traditional to highly modern, and include they include musicals, pantomimes and much more.

  • Related activities, often combined with speech in theatrical performances, include singing, dancing and making filmWriting plays and scripts may also be involved.

  • Amateur drama provides many hours of interest, stimulus and amusement to those who take part, as well as enjoyment to the local people who come to see the end result.  

  • Involvement in amateur drama does not necessarily involve acting on stage.  There are many ancillary activities, ranging from production and design, to set painting, costume creation, stage  management and programme production.  

Find out more


National Operatic and Dramatic Association


Amateur Stage 

Getting started

  • Find a local drama group or club (see organisations above).

  • See if there are introductory sessions at your local club or theatre..

  • Consult books or magazines on different types of acting and drama.

  • Check in your local library/paper, college or theatre for more information.

What you need

Skills and people
  • People with a wide range of skills, and none, can all usefully take part in amateur drama, especially at the time of performance.  All ages, and both sexes are generally needed. 

  • You can put on a one man/woman show on your own, but even then you will need someone from whom to hire a place to perform and an audience to whom to perform.  

  • Amateur drama is essentially a group activity which involves a degree of commitment once you agree to take part.  It is also a very social activity.  

  • But much of the preparatory work, whether learning lines or sewing costumes can be done at home.

Equipment or clothing
  • As an individual you usually don't need to provide anything special in the way of clothing or equipment.  

  • But you will be part of a team searching for the special props, scene settings, costumes and other resources needed to put on your show. 

A place or facilities
  • Performances at the local level usually take place in the local theatre, community hall or school.  

  • Rehearsals may take place anywhere, including in people's homes at the early stages.

Have a go - get started now

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