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What is it?

  • Snooker, pool and billiards are all indoor games in which a wooden cue is used to knock balls into the side pockets of specially constructed felt-covered tables.  

  • More details of the individual games can be obtained from the specialist organisations listed below. 

  • These games can be played at home (if you can afford the cost of the table), but they are most commonly played in social locations, such as pubs, clubs and community centres.   

  • There are competitions at local as well as professional level.

Find out more


British Association of Pool Table Operators
English Pool Association


Pot Black Magazine 
Snooker Scene 

Getting started

  • Find a local snooker,pool or billiards group or club (see organisations above or check in your local pub or social club).

  • Ask a friend or acquaintance to show you how to play.

  • Consult books or magazines on the different types of cue games.

  • Check in your local library/paper for more information.

What you need

Skills and people
  • The games are easy to pick up, and people of all ages and abilities can play, as well as both sexes. 

  • You can practice snooker, billiards or pool on your own, where ever there is a table, but for a proper game you need an opponent.  Games are normally between two people, though "doubles" are possible.  

  • It is better if the people you play with are of roughly the same standard as yourself, but they need not be of the same age or sex.

Equipment or clothing
  • No special clothing is needed for these games.  A special table, cues and balls are essential.  

  • These are generally all provided at the locations where the games are played. 

A place or facilities
  • There are facilities in for snooker, pool or billiards in many pubs and social clubs, as well as schools, village and community halls, and sports centres.  

  • There are also special clubs particularly for snooker.

Have a go - get started now


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